☆I found...☆

   ☆Mexican goods☆

   ☆In front☆



   ☆Up☆ jejeje

I'm very boring,,,So I went to supermarket near my apartment

Then I found it♪♪♪

Rigft is,,,Tabacco?!?!,,,no!It is Chocolate

Left is Mex beer!!

But I'm not sure...

There R a lot of kinds foreign beer!!But there isn't Canadian beer...Fuck!!

And another pictures R near my apartment

I took pic at my balcony☆

Spring We can see beautiful view,,,Cherry blossom,,,

Last pic,,,Can U see airplane??

...Maybe it's going to Mex...jajaja

さぁぁこれからHair colorするぞぉぉ♪♪♪